Reintegration Support Guide


At Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, we believe everyone deserves the right to live, work, and love freely -- wherever they choose. Our fight for immigrant rights in the U.S. spans from working to stop individual deportations to protecting immigrant workers’ rights on the job and supporting broader organizing efforts.

Under Trump’s administration, we’ve strengthened our grassroots statewide work and have formed volunteer networks called “Street Teams” throughout Massachusetts. These Street Teams participate in Community Walks, distributing know-your-rights information in communities, provide accompaniment during ICE check-ins or court appointments, and have been trained on legal observation for when ICE comes into our communities.

While we are fighting hard against enforcement and to keep our community members, friends, and loved ones safe, the deportation machine continues to tear apart immigrant families. Our support and solidarity must extend beyond borders, and at the intersection of our Immigrant Rights work here in the U.S. and our Global Justice work is the effort to support people who are deported with reintegration and support resources.

The information in this guide was researched by Mass. Jobs with Justice interns and volunteers. It reflects the immigrant populations throughout the state, but is by no means comprehensive -- we always welcome edits and suggestions.

Please e-mail with any questions/feedback.

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