It's Time to Save UMass Boston!
From layoffs to budget cuts to tuition and fee hikes, workers, students, and staff at UMass Boston are under attack! To add insult to injury, while UMass is buried in debt and its infrastructure is literally crumbling, UMass Amherst just announced that they will be purchasing Mt. Ida College's Newton campus as a satellite location for students completing internships in Boston.
But what do we do when we're under attack? Stand up and fight back!
On campus and off, the fight has begun to save UMass Boston and make sure it's accessible to working people in the city.
Here's how you can get involved:
- Sign and share our petition to save the urban mission of UMass Boston!
- Contact your legislator to demand that they fully fund UMass Boston! Find all the info you need here in this guide from our friends at PHENOM
- Read and share this reflection on UMass's future by Aaron Lecklider, UMB Professor and Chair of the American Studies Program