Reproductive Justice Statement
Coming from the communities that we organize, we understand what working women, mothers, and caregivers are facing: bearing the brunt of this public health and economic disaster, risking our bodies and our families to make ends’ meet, facing psychological turmoil with an unpredictable schedule and pay, sexual harassment, and retaliation at work. We are proud that our organization organizes women and girls, develops their leadership as movement leaders, and builds grassroots power and multi-stakeholder coalitions that confront oppression and addresses the real issues that working women, women of color, mothers and caregivers, immigrant women, women with disabilities, queer and trans women face. We work towards justice in the “Sites of struggle”: the workplace, in the home, and in our communities to build the power of working women. We fight for women worker agency, power, and resilience that translates at the home, to our families, in our communities, and beyond. We believe that reproductive justice is essential to end the exploitation and violence we face and to live in our communities in peace.
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice's Executive Committee is proud to share our Statement on Reproductive Justice in recognition of our historic and current campaigns fighting for Reproductive, Racial, and Economic Justice and in honor of this year's International Women's Day:
To learn more about Reproductive Justice and Massachusetts Jobs with Justice's campaigns for Reproductive, Racial and Economic Justice, check out our Presentation on Reproductive Justice: