Everything You Need to Know About the People's Agenda!

What is the People’s Agenda?

The corporate agenda is not working for us. That’s why this November, we’re fighting for the People’s Agenda!  We need a YES vote on ballot questions 1, 2, and 3 to ensure working people feel safe & healthy in their communities.

What are the questions?

To Download Our Factsheet, Click Here!

Para Descargar La Informacion Haga, Click Aqui!


Currently, greedy hospital CEOs maximize their profits by assigning too many patients to nurses. This results in unsafe conditions for patients. 

A YES VOTE on Question 1 will dramatically improve patient safety in Massachusetts hospitals by...

  • Setting a safe maximum limit on the number of patients assigned to a nurse at the same time.

  • Providing flexibility to adjust nurses’ patient assignments based on the specific needs of patients and the professional judgment of the nurse providing direct patient care.


In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in the Citizens United case that corporations should have the same rights as people, including spending their money to influence federal elections.

A YES VOTE on Question 2 would... 

  • Create a citizens commission that would propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United and reaffirm that corporations are NOT people.

  • State firmly that it is the policy of Massachusetts to support a 28th Amendment to overturn Citizens United.


Since 2016, it has been illegal in Massachusetts to discriminate against people based on gender identity in public places.

A YES VOTE on Question 3 would…

  • Uphold the law & defend the rights of trans people to access public accommodations, including service establishments like restaurants and stores, health care facilities, and transportation.

Why are the questions important?

These questions cut to the heart of some of the issues we care about most: ensuring that our healthcare system works for us, defending democracy from corporate influence, and making sure that every working person in Massachusetts can live a life free from discrimination. We can’t afford to lose on any of these critical issues, so we need to make it clear that working people stand united in support of all three questions! For more on why we at Jobs with Justice have launched this campaign, read our “Why the People’s Agenda?” explainer here. You can also check out our Op-Ed in this month’s Fenway News!

What can you do?

We need to get the word out and make sure every eligible voter in Massachusetts understands what’s at stake in this election — and we know that if we all work together, we can get it done!

Here’s how you can get involved:

Sign & Share the People’s Agenda Pledge

  • Pledge to vote #yesyesyes in November, and share the link with your social networks. Take the pledge here!

Put Up a People’s Agenda Window sign

Door-to-Door Canvassing

We are knocking on doors throughout the state to educate our neighbors about the ballot questions. An average shift of doorknocking lasts around two hours — we will provide a quick training, a list of houses to visit, and all the materials.

  • Regular canvasses (We’ll keep this list updated as we add more regular sessions):

  • We have additional group canvassing happening in different cities and towns at different times during the week. We are also happy to set up a group canvass in your neighborhood, for your organization, or just for you to do on your own. Find out more details about what’s happening in your area or set up a new canvass by contacting a member of our team:

    • Eastern MA — Zayda Ortiz — zayda.ortiz@gmail.com

    • Western MA — Laura Britton — l.britton011@gmail.com


Reach out via phone to potential voters — you’ll use our predictive dialer technology, so you won’t even have to dial the phone!

  • Every Wednesday @ 5:30 pm at the Massachusetts Jobs with Justice Office (375 Centre St. in Jamaica Plain) or remotely from your home!

  • Contact Lily Huang (lily@massjwj.net) for more information.

Host a House Party

House parties are a great way to share the news about the People’s Agenda — at our parties, we enjoy some food and drink, meet great people, and share more information about our work.

  • Sign up here to host a house party at your home! All you have to do is provide a space, and we'll do the rest! A member of our Jobs with Justice staff will walk you through all the logistics, provide materials, and attend the party to help you make sure the event goes smoothly.


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