So many ways to take action next week!
The legislative session is off to a busy start this year, and we need to take action right away to make sure that our lawmakers are prioritizing the issues that are most important to working people!
Next week, we have hearings coming up around two key pieces of legislation that would make workers schedules and our tax system more fair!
Fair Workweek
Fair Work Week Massachusetts Logo
For hundreds of thousands of workers in Massachusetts, unstable, last-minute work schedules are a major source of economic insecurity. When workers can't count on a predictable number of hours and regular work times, it becomes almost impossible to arrange day care, juggle second and third jobs, or pursue further education -- and of course, the workers who are most impacted are women, low-income folks, and people of color.
We need Fair Workweek protections in Massachusetts, which is why we are working with Senator Marc Pacheco, Rep Sean Garballey, and a grassroots coalition of workers and allies to pass legislation this session. Our bill would apply to workers in restaurants, retail stores, and hospitality establishments -- the industries that need these protections most.
This bill will have its committee hearing NEXT TUESDAY, so we need to ramp up the pressure now. You can
Attend the hearing on Tuesday, April 9 @ 1 PM in Hearing Room A-2 of the Statehouse. Help us spread the word by RSVPing and sharing the event on Facebook.Legislators want to hear testimony from ordinary folks who will be impacted by this law, so let us know if you would like to tell your story (either in person or in writing) by contacting
Join us for a press conference before the hearing at 12 PM -- location TBA.
Sign the petition to let legislators know that all workers deserve a Fair Workweek!
Fair Share Amendment
Fair Share Massachusetts
Since 2015, along with our partners at Raise Up Massachusetts, we have been fighting to make sure that the super-rich pay their share in taxes! The Fair Share Amendment is a proposal to amend the Massachusetts Constitution, creating an additional tax of four percentage points on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million. The new revenue, approximately $2 billion a year, would be spent on quality public education, affordable public colleges and universities, and the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public transportation.
The Fair Share Amendment is moving through the legislature again, and the hearing is NEXT THURSDAY. Here's what you can do:
Attend the hearing on Thursday, April 11th @ 10:30 AM in Gardner Auditorium in the Statehouse. Folks from across Massachusetts will come to pack the room for the hearing -- buses will be leaving from several locations. You can RSVP and request a seat on the bus here.
Hustle with us! We will be texting our supporters about the Fair Share Amendment and the campaign to Fund Our Future, asking them to let their elected officials know that we need more funding in our public schools, and we should pay for it by taxing the super-rich! We'll host a text-bank session at our Boston office on Monday, but you can text from home all week long. More information here, but if you would like to get set up to text from home, please email