Immigrant Rights Street Team #7

August 14, On August 14th, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California will hear Trump’s argument for cancelling TPS for 6 countries. Stand in solidarity at the Moakley Courthouse in Boston with our TPS members, friends, family, and co-workers as we fight the right to remain! The lives of 400,000 families are at stake. 

There are two organizer training sessions at the Jobs with Justice office (Details below). 

Jobs with Justice posted information on the #NoHotelsForICE Employer Sign-On and Canvas Kit stayed tuned for Boston canvas.

Busy next week, take these two two-minute VIRTUAL actions

  • Donate to help Mississippi Families via Act Blue fundraiser for 6 Mississippi immigrant rights organizations (for other ways to help learn more).

  • We are asking for you to call your Congressional Representative and ask for an investigation into why ICE is targeting union workers and why they did not do enough to protect children from trauma. Three big worksite raids in the last sixteen months have targeted UFCW workers. ICE is not going after low road employers but is instead targeting workers who have a voice on the job. This is undemocratic and the House of Representative should investigate. (National Jobs with Justice Statement on Raids)

Report on Last Week's Actions

TPS recipients promote licenses for all bill.

TPS recipients promote licenses for all bill.

On Wednesday August 7 and Sunday August 11, we hosted two separate screenings in Cambridge of the documentary "The Last Dream" which follows the American children of Temporary Protect Status (TPS) whose parents are at risk of deportation. These children created and performed a play to fight for their parents, educate others about TPS, and inspire people to support their cause and fight in their defense. We also distributed Know Your Rights information and information about Driving Families Forward campaign. Let us know if your organization is interested in hosting a screening. We can help with speakers and printed materials. 

Phone bank at Field First office conference room.

Phone bank at Field First office conference room.

On August 8, we hosted the first Driving Families forward phone bank that Ben Rutberg organized. Natalicia Tracy Executive Director of the Brazilian Workers Center gave an overview of the bill, Ben and Guïro trained us on the scripts and phone bank software, we had pizza and discussion following the phone bank. It was a great community building event and most of the participants were initially unfamiliar  with how important this bill is to Massachusetts families and by the end were strong supporters. Please join us on August 22 and Sept. 8 for two more phonebanks. Most of the volunteers plan to return for another phone bank. Let us know if you'd like to join our next phone bank?

Upcoming Actions and Training

Monday, August 126-8 PM Summer Training Series #6, Summer Education Series: Let's Talk, Communicating Our Cause! (Jobs With Justice Office 375 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)

August 13, 6:30-9:30 PM Never Again Is Now: Rhode Island Mobilization, join Jews and immigrant allies in Central Falls Rhode Island for a non-violent direct action against ICE. Event is organized by Never Again Action (Community action not affiliated w/Mass. JwJ)

August 14, 11:30 AM TPS Justice Rally, The termination of Temporary Protection Status (TPS) for 320,000+ families—including thousands in Massachusetts—is illegal, immoral and would rip communities apart. On August 14th, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California will hear Trump’s argument for cancelling TPS for 6 countries. Stand in solidarity with our TPS residents, friends, family, and co-workers as we fight the right to remain!
(Moakley Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Boston, MA 02210)

Thursday, August 156:30 - 8:30 PM Come join Boston Tech Workers for Justice (BTWJ) for the first ever Jobs with Justice Tech Lab. The goal of the tech lab is to provide a space in which tech workers and coalition organizations can collaborate on building technology to support coalition members' work.  (Jobs With Justice Office 375 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)

Thursday, August 22, 6:00 PM Community Town Hall with Rep. Lynch, Quincy, MA #CloseTheCamps # 5 After 4 attempts to schedule a meeting with Representative Lynch with no action or statement,  constituents are hosting a community town hall in Quincy (will Lynch show up?)  Congressman Lynch is the Chair of the subcommittee on National Security which oversees both Immigration and Homeland Security. (Location TBD)

Thursday, August 22, 6:00-9:00 PM, 2nd Driving Families Forward phone bank, call constituents to patch through calls to legislators and meet fellow activists. (Jobs With Justice Office 375 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)

August 25, 5:00-10:00 PM, Join us to Celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of the Massachusetts TPS Committee, tickets on sale now, mark your calendar & share with your friends. (Malden Irish American Club)

Please check our events calendar and facebook page for any updates. Let us know if you have a training, action, or announcement to share.

Please email us at to let us know if you know of an upcoming event or action locally let us know and we can add it to the event list.