Immigrant Rights Street Team #6
Coming up Next Week
Two screenings of the "The Last Dream" on Wednesday, August 7, 6:30 PM and Sunday, August 11, 10:45 am at ST Mary Of The Annunciation Parish, 134 Norfolk St, Cambridge and a community phone bank for the Work and Family Mobility Act using Hub Dialer on August 8 from 6 to 9 PM at 145 Tremont Street, Boston (near Park Street Station).
Busy next week, take these two-minute VIRTUAL actions
Sign and share the Driving Families Forward petition
Please donate to help reunite Naseem and Siham permanently.
Group photo of lobbyist at MA Statehouse for #DrivingMAForward campaign, July 30, 2019
Report on Last Week's Actions
On July 30, Mass Jobs with Justice & Interfaith Worker Justice staff & volunteers attended the Work and Family Mobility Act (S2061/H3012 lobby day at the MA State House. After a meeting with activists and lead sponsors, we met with our legislators to advocate for the bill. Our group included several first time lobbyists and we learned it's very important to keep up the pressure because the opposition is calling. Go to the Driving Families Forward page for a video learn more. Be sure to sign the petition and/or call your state representatives.
Lynch Constituents at Downtown Boston offices #ClosetheCamps #4 August 2, 2019
On Friday, August 2, a group of more than thirty constituents and allies met with staff of Steven Lynch's office for the 4th time to ask again that he #ClosetheCamps. Again, staff stonewalled constituents and failed to provide any clear answers on Lynch's positions or availability for a public town hall meeting. After significant pressure, staff assured us that they would have an answer by Friday, August 9, as to whether Lynch will agree to hold a public town hall in Quincy to address constituent concerns. He has not held one since 2016. If he says no (which we expect), an empty chair town hall will be held in Quincy, date TBD.
Sunday, August 4, The No Cages Rally & March shutdown Boylston street in front of the American Correctional Conference for more than 2 hours today. The organizers lifted the voices of speakers from prisons and detention centers. If you missed it, catch videos of speakers and songs.
Upcoming Actions and Training
Monday, August 5, 6-8 PM Summer Training Series #5, Summer Education Series: Who's Got the Power? (Jobs With Justice Office 375 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)
Wednesday, August 7, 6:30 PM and Sunday, August 11, 10:45 am Screening of "The Last Dream", ST Mary Of The Annunciation Parish, 134 Norfolk St, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 (Near Central Square T Station) Please let us know if you'd like to volunteer on Tuesday to print and collate Know Your Rights materials & more to prepare for these sessions.
Thursday, August 8, 6-9 PM, Work and Family Mobility Act phone bank, Please register and bring a phone and laptop. (145 Tremont Street, Boston, MA; near Park Street Station)
Monday, August 12, 6-8 PM Summer Training Series #6, Summer Education Series: Let's Talk, Communicating Our Cause! (Jobs With Justice Office 375 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)
Save the Date: August 25, 5-10, Malden Irish American Club, Join us to Celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of the Massachusetts TPS Committee, tickets on sale now, mark your calendar & share with your friends.
Please check our events calendar and facebook page for any updates. Let us know if you have a training, action, or announcement to share.
Please email us at to let us know if you know of an upcoming event or action locally let us know and we can add it to the event list.