Immigrant Rights Street Team: Weekly Update #10
Work and Family Mobility Act Hearing, Gardner Auditorium, September 4, 2019
Supporters of the Work and Family Mobility Act pack Gardner Auditorium
Last week we thought that the Labor Day weekend would be a quiet weekend, however, it turned out that in addition to the Labor Day March and Rally on Monday, the Joint Committee on Transportation scheduled the hearing for the Work and Family Mobility Act (H.3012 and S.2061) on Wednesday, September 4. The coalition on very short notice was able to mobilize more than 800 supporters who packed the hearing room from across Massachusetts to testify and show solidarity andsupport for the bill. Over 80 speakers from faith, business, law enforcement, medicine, and education spoke in favor of the bill. Dozens of directly impacted people testified. The hearing lasted until late in the day with an overwhelming majority of people speaking in support of the bill. Next we need to step up the pressure to keep those calls coming into the State House phone lines to make sure the Committee reports out the bill favorably. For photos and videos of the testimony go to:
Families testify about the impact of licenses in their daily lives
Press: Advocates pack State House hearing to support bill to expand driving privileges to all Mass. residents, regardless of legal status , Lawmakers, Law Enforcement And Advocates Debate Driver's Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants ,
The Labor Day March and Rally was a great success with hundreds of people showing up to support of worker and immigrant rights.
We continue to host successful phone banks to support the Work and Family Mobility Act (H.3012 and S.2061) and now that the bill has held the hearing it's more important than ever to keep up the pressure to report the bill favorably out of committee.
#NeverAgainAction Boston took to the streets on Thursday evening to protest Amazon's complicity with ICE.
Busy next week, take this two two-minute VIRTUAL actions
Look up and call your state representative to let them know you support the Work and Family Mobility Act. Ask friends to support too.
Donate to support the Massachusetts TPS Committee
Coming Up
Sunday, September 8, 4:00-6:00 PM, 4th Driving Families Forward phone bank, call constituents to patch through calls to legislators and meet fellow activists. (Workbar Central Square, 45 Prospect Street, Cambridge) (Signup)
The youth led Climate Strike is on Friday, September 20 local activists are planning a week of action for immigrant and climate justice. Please let us know if you or your organization would like to plan an event and we'll connect you with upcoming planning calls and add your event. UU Mass action leading this effort.
Community Updates
Monday, September 9, 6 PM 138 Tremont Street, Boston Allies Planning Meeting Cosecha Massachusetts, Support team for the Quincenera y EncampimentoSeptember 13-15. Allies are looking for volunteers to support the the action which is a 3 day encampment in front of the state house, kicking off with a quinceñera to “celebrate” 15 years of false promises by MA legislators to pass driver’s licenses.
Please check our events calendar and facebook page for any updates. Let us know if you have a training, action, or announcement to share.
Please email us at to let us know if you know of an upcoming event or action locally let us know and we can add it to the event list.