Safe Communities Act Hearing 1/24/2020
Hearing room at the Mass. State House packed with over 800 supporters.
More than 800 Activists packed Gardener Auditorium on Friday 1/24/2020 to Advocate for the Safe Communities Act.
The Safe Communities Act of Massachusetts (Senate #1596, House #3052) is a bill that would:
Ensure no state support for a Muslim registry. Prohibits access to information in state databases for use in any federal registry program based on national origin, religion or other protected characteristics.
Ensures Basic Due Process Rights for people detained in state and local facilities for civil immigration violations. Requires informing detainees that they have the right to decline an interview with ICE agents, and to have their own attorney present (at their own expense) if they so choose.
Use police resources to fight crime, not separate families. Ensures that state, local and campus police don’t participate in immigration enforcement activities, including inquiries, investigations, raids, arrests or detentions that are based solely on immigration status.
Prohibits agreements with DHS that deputize local officers as immigration agents, including county officers in Bristol and Plymouth sheriff’s departments.
Also, you can download: The full text of the bill | Summary of the bill
Couldn’t make the hearing. Please call your State Lawmakers to let them know you want them to make this bill a priority. Use the Find My Legislator tool.
Sample Script
I’m a constituent of Senator/Representative [name] and I live in [your city]. I’m calling to ask Senator/Representative [name] to cosponsor the Safe Communities Act, sponsored by Senator Eldridge (SD.1596) and Representative Matías (HD.3052). This bill would protect the civil rights of all state residents by making sure our tax dollars are not used to help the Trump administration deport immigrants and create a Muslim registry. Can I count on the [Senator / Representative]’s support? [Be sure to give Docket Numbers of bills: SD.1596 and HD.3052]
Overflow space at the state house because supporters filled the hearing room to capacity.
Yessenia Prodero and Laura Britton from Mass JwJ and Western MA JwJ at the hearing.