Little Lobby Day: Why Mass JWJ?
State House Little Lobby Day 2019
At Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, we are declaring August as our month of Movement-building and Movement-Giving. Even in the most uncertain times, you can be sure of Jobs with Justice, and that’s only because hundreds of activists like you have worked so hard over the last three decades to make our organization what it is today. As long as we have your solidarity, we will keep fighting-- and we believe that we will win. This month, we will be highlighting our campaigns, victories, and leaders that make Mass Jobs with Justice unstoppable and sustain and grow our movement.
#LilLobbyDay For the Fund our Future campaign with MEJA (Mass Education Justice Alliance), where we won $1.5 billion dollars for our public schools, we mobilized little ones into action. Our lil' activists chalked and rallied in front of the State House, held a Teach In on Lobbying, and went door to door inside lobbying our legislators for the school funding we deserve.
When the issues facing our communities affect us all,
our movement must be multi-generational!
#WhyMassJWJ #WeAreJWJ
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