Welcome our new Racial Justice Organizer Jacqueline
Jacqueline Vélez
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice has rapidly responded to the crisis working class families continue to face as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc in all sectors of our society. With the upcoming election and an uptick in COVID cases the uncertainty of the future is ever pervasive. What you can count on is the JwJ staff standing strong as we fight for racial, economic, and social justice. We are confident we will overcome many of the upcoming challenges because we have a dedicated, deliberate, candid, and fearless team.
As we transition and grow as a team we are excited to welcome Jacqueline Vélez, our Racial Justice Organizer. She has over ten years of advocacy and organizing experience and will be taking on several environmental and climate justice, police accountability, and decarceration campaigns. Jackie joins a majority Black, Indigenous, and women of color (BIPOC) team, led by two women of color Co-Executive Directors— Alicia Fleming, and Lily Huang. (You can read more about Jackie here: https://www.massjwj.net/about/our-staff)
Our team is a diverse group of BIPOC, Queer, immigrant, and first-generation individuals who recognize the importance of each and every issue we take on, not only because we value justice above all else, but because these struggles are our own. We are proud to be doing this work on behalf of Massachusetts Jobs with Justice and we’re so grateful for the incredible opportunity to serve you— the beautiful and vibrant members of the Commonwealth— in this way.
Please consider making a donation to Massachusetts Jobs with Justice to keep our work going and to keep this diverse team of organizers at the forefront of the fights for us all. Donate here: http://bit.ly/massjwjdonate