We made solidarity work in 2018!

Here at Massachusetts Jobs with Justice, everything we do is based on the principle of solidarity — the idea that an injury to one is an injury to all, so when any of us is hurting, it’s up to all of us to come together and take action to stop it.

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UPDATED: Eduardo Samaniego was denied bond for his release on December 27, 2018

BREAKING: December 30, 2018: Eduardo’s situation has reached a new level of urgency. He was moved to Irwin County Detention Facility, which is known to be one of the most oppressive facilities in the nation. It has numerous human rights abuse cases against it. He has been put in “segregation” something they use punitively. His health and wellbeing are severely jeopardized. He is kept in an empty room, not allowed clothing, forced to eat with his hands and has 24 hour observation. This is TORTURE! .  Demand his release: bit.ly/FreeEduardoNow

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Petition, NewsSarah BlockEduardo
Update: After substantial public pressure Julio was transported to court for his trial and was found not guilty!!

Julio was able to make it into court today as the result of an enormous amount of effort by his attorney, the ACLU, and concerned citizens who launched a petition that received 2000 signatures and made phone calls to petition targets, community organizations that wrote many letters of support, and the amazing showing of support in the courtroom today (it was standing room only!).

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NewsSarah BlockJulio