"Amazon’s power to brutalize workers and starve out local businesses is global,” said Yessenia Prodero, an immigrant rights organizer with Massachusetts Jobs With Justice, an Athena coalition member group. “We will only truly challenge that power if we build power globally. We have strategized with our international partners for years to tell a consistent story across continents, and we are seeing those efforts gain momentum. These actions are an important public escalation, and there will be a lot more to come.”
“WORCESTER, Mass. - City residents and community activists called "Worcester Community United" stood in solidarity with the nurses striking at Saint Vincent hospital Saturday.”
“We’re missing about 500 boxes of food every week – that’s just the basic milk, cheese, fruit," said Nelly Medina, lead organizer for the Parents Union of Massachusetts, or PUMA. "We have a population of people who have not rebounded from COVID, and they’re hungry and we don’t know how to feed them.”
WHEN LINDA PIZZUTI HENRY and her husband, John W. Henry, bought The Boston Globe in 2013 for $70 million, she announced her intention to adapt the venerable institution to the changing media landscape.
“When I walked into the old Morrissey Boulevard building with John on our first day over seven years ago, past the hum of the presses and the welcoming smell of ink, I wasn’t sure exactly what my role would be,” Pizzuti Henry said. “But I knew that I was lucky to work here, and it was clear to me why this institution needed to not only survive the secular decline of trusted local journalism, but also needed to innovate and evolve and invest in a new way of doing things in order to thrive and effectively serve our mission.”